Give the gift of comfort and support

We are a 100% volunteer organization, we simply could not exist without the generosity of community members who understand the stress a cancer diagnosis can cause on the individual and their family.  We ask that if you can give your time at an event, a specific task, or even a bigger role to touch someone's heart, to please contact us.

We provide goods and services to local families residing in the Red Hook, NY (Dutchess County) school district that are newly diagnosed with cancer in order to allow them to focus on what's most important in! 


"Donations to TeamNora are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law!"

​#TeamNora CancerCharity

    The #TeamNora


#TeamNora, inc. was founded in 2016 - inspired by friends, neighbors, and former strangers from the local community and beyond who created Team Nora to rally behind a local mom after her Stage IV Colon Cancer diagnosis in November of 2014. The #TeamNora charity is modeled after the love and care Nora and her family received. Your tax deductible donations are used to provide household services and care packages to individuals and families managing a cancer diagnosis.


A cancer diagnosis can be devastating to individuals and families. Having gone through it, we understand! With #TeamNora you are never alone, we will walk with you and provide support to help manage this difficult situation. If you live in, or are employed by the Red Hook School District, and you or a family member has been diagnosed with cancer, we are ready to help!

Or         Checks payable to:  TeamNora

           PO Box 667, Red Hook, NY 12571